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  • 合成树脂瓦已成为建筑业的佼佼者
  • 本站编辑:必赢会员中心437发布日期:2019-06-20 15:43 浏览次数:

合成树脂瓦在复合隔热瓦的生产基础上,引进先进的生产设备和工艺技术,选用国际公司 生产的高耐候性工程树脂精制而成,在总结国外同类产品经验的基础上进行了创新。它具有色彩丰富并经久不褪,造型美观立体感强且符合中国建筑文化特色等突 出的特点。

同时还具有质轻、防水、坚韧、保温隔热、隔音、抗腐蚀、抗风防震、抗冰雹、抗污、绿色环保、防火、绝缘、安装简便等优点,是各类建筑屋面装 饰和防水的理想材料,为屋面材料提供了一种更方便快捷的替代产品,尤其适用于我国目前大力推广的“平改坡”工程。显而易见,合成树脂瓦优越特性决定了它在现代建筑行业中崛起为佼佼者,造福于更多的建筑行业! On the basis of the production of composite insulating tile, the synthetic resin tile is refined by introducing advanced production equipment and technology, using engineering resin with high weatherability produced by international companies, and innovating on the basis of summing up the experience of similar products abroad. It is rich in color and durable, beautiful in shape and strong in three-dimensional sense, and in line with the characteristics of Chinese architectural culture and other prominent features. At the same time, it has the advantages of light weight, waterproof, toughness, heat insulation, sound insulation, corrosion resistance, wind and earthquake resistance, hail resistance, pollution resistance, green environmental protection, fire prevention, insulation, simple installation, etc. It is an ideal material for all kinds of building roofing decoration and waterproof, and provides a more convenient and fast alternative product for roofing materials, especially for the "flat to slope" engineering which is vigorously promoted in China. Cheng. Obviously, the superior characteristics of synthetic resin tile determine that it has emerged as a leader in the modern construction industry, benefiting more construction industry!