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  • 海宁FRP采光瓦厂家直销
  • 本站编辑:必赢会员中心437发布日期:2018-05-31 10:41 浏览次数:
1、原材料的选择:采光板的原材料主要是玻纤、树脂和表面贴膜以及色浆,选用优质的原材料是采光板质量的根本决定因素。   其中树脂以间苯二甲酸(C8H6O4)为更好,化学稳定性更适宜,邻苯二甲酸[C6H4(COOH)2]的价格低很多,但稳定性不好,容易造成成品板黄变老化,因此不宜采用。 玻纤更好不要用玻毡,因为里面含胶水,同样会造成黄变老化,影响品质。表面贴膜非常重要,好的贴膜能有效防止紫外线并具有优良的自洁性能。   
2、成品过程:树脂和根据需要加入的不同颜色的色浆均匀搅拌后输送到生产线。   玻纤切丝洒落(不含胶水)或玻纤毡、树脂、贴膜一起进入烤箱。 烤制工艺:主要是温度控制,在加工过程中会有数个温区,每个温区的加热温度不一样,精确的控制温度可以固化充分,这样不易黄变老化。好的生产线应该有电脑控制温度设备以及长度足够的烤箱。   
· 采光瓦在固定前先导孔,孔径必须大于固定螺丝直径的6-9mm,以作为热胀冷缩之用。
· 采光瓦与钢板在纵向搭接时,更小必须有200mm的重叠,并贴置两条止水带。
· 采光瓦固定时,必须使用良好的泛水垫圈,使之介于螺丝与采光板之间,以便于防水防尘。
 · 将泛水垫圈套入螺丝内以后,用电钻锁入檩条内,即完成采光板的固定工作。
 · 采光瓦施工时,严禁脚直接踩在波峰上,以免采光板开裂。必须在采光板的横向位置,放置一块1200mmx300mm{长x 宽)防滑厚木板,脚踩在其上进行采光板的导孔和固定螺丝工作。
Production process:
1, the selection of raw materials: the raw materials of the lighting board are glass fiber, resin and surface film and color pulp. The selection of quality raw materials is the fundamental determinant of the quality of the lighting plate. The resin with C8H6O4 (C8H6O4) is better, the chemical stability is more suitable, the price of phthalic acid [C6H4 (COOH) 2] is much lower, but the stability is not good, it is easy to cause the yellowish aging of the finished plate, so it is not suitable to adopt. Glass fiber better not to use glass mat, because it contains glue, will also cause yellowing and aging, affect the quality. Surface film is very important. Good film can effectively prevent ultraviolet radiation and has excellent self-cleaning properties.
2, the finished product process: the resin and the different colors of the color paste are added to the production line. Glass fiber shredded (without glue) or glass fiber felt, resin, film into the oven. Baking process: mainly temperature control, in the process of processing will have a number of temperature areas, each temperature area of the heating temperature is not the same, the precise control temperature can be cured fully, so it is not easy to yellow aging. Good production lines should have computer controlled temperature equipment and enough oven length.
Construction steps:
After laying, the location of the lighting panel is reserved, and the construction will proceed gradually from the eaves to the ridge. The lighting plate is directly buckled on the side wave peak of the steel plate.
The aperture of the lighting tile must be larger than the 6-9mm of the fixed screw diameter, so that it can be used as thermal expansion and cold contraction.
When the light tile and steel plate are longitudinally lapped, the 200mm overlap must be smaller, and two water stop zones are affixed.
When lighting tile is fixed, a good water washer should be used to make it between the screw and the lighting panel, so that it is waterproof and dust-proof.
After the water flooding washer is inserted into the screw, the electric drill is locked into the purlin to complete the fixing work of the lighting panel.
When the lighting tile is constructed, the foot should not be stepped on the crest directly, so as to avoid the cracking of the lighting panel. A 1200mmx300mm{long x wide wood board must be placed in the horizontal position of the lighting plate, and the foot must be carried on the guide hole and fixed screw for the lighting plate.